Conference “Identities, categories of identification, and identifications between the Danube, the Alps, and the Adriatic” (Ljubljana, April 20 and 21, 2017)

U Ljubljani će se 20. i 21. travnja 2017. održati međunarodna konferencija Identities, categories of identification, and identifications between the Danube, the Alps, and the Adriatic na kojoj će sudjelovati i članovi projekta Tranzicija hrvatskih elita iz Habsburške Monarhije u jugoslavensku državu.


Konzultant projekta PIETER M. JUDSON imat će pozvano plenarno izlaganje People and their Categories: Creating Difference from Below and from Above in the Context of Empire, a član projekta NIKOLA TOMAŠEGOVIĆ izlaganje Statistical Nation-Building in Civil Croatia and Slavonia during the Second Half of 19th Century.


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