Team Members and Research Group

Pieter Judson (consultant), Mark Cornwall, Žarko Lazarević, Miha Preinfalk, Željko Dugac, Božena Vranješ-Šoljan, Ida Ograjšek Gorenjak, Branimir Janković, Nikola Tomašegović


PIETER JUDSON (consultant)

Professor of 19th and 20th Century History and Head of Department of History and Civilization of the European University Institute in Florence. His previous academic appointments include Swarthmore College, Pitzer College, the Claremont Colleges.
Education: Ph.D. (1987), M. Phil. (1982), M.A. (1980), Columbia University B.A. (1978), Swarthmore College, Highest Honors in History and German.
P. Judson is granted numerous international awards and fellowships, and is the editor of Austrian History Yearbook 2006-2011, 2011-2016.
His major fields of research refer to: History of Central, Eastern, and South-eastern Europe in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries; Culture, society, and politics in the Habsburg Monarchy; Nineteenth- and twentieth-century Germany; The First World War; European fascism; Nationalism, ethnic cleansing, and European borderlands and Histories of sexuality and gender.
Professor Judson’s current research explores the possibilities and modalities of writing non-nation-based and non-nationalist narrative histories of Central and Eastern Europe in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. In doing so he seeks to de-pathologize and to Europeanize our understandings of Central and Eastern Europe, placing the history of these regions firmly in a comparative European context. This research will result in a single-authored book for Harvard University Press and an edited volume for Cambridge University Press. In addition Judson is currently collaborating on a project to write a history of Austria-Hungary during the First World War for Oxford University Press that focuses on society and culture. As part of his interest in gender and sexuality studies, Professor Judson is also investigating a case of female-to-male sex change in fin-de-siècle Vienna.
Selected Recent Publications
– The Habsburg Empire: a New History (Cambridge: The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2016.




2004- Professor of Modern European History, University of Southampton.
1991-2004 Lecturer, Senior Lecturer (1997), Reader (2002), University of Dundee.
1986-91 Junior Research Fellow, Wolfson College, Oxford.



1 Books – Authored
The Devil’s Wall. The Nationalist Youth Mission of Heinz Rutha (Cambridge Mass,: Harvard University Press, 2012). [Won Czechoslovak Studies Assoc Book Prize].
2 Books – Edited
Sacrifice and Rebirth: The Legacy of the Hasbsburg Empire’s Last War [with John Paul Newman] (New York: Berghahn Press, 2016)
3 Journal Articles / Chapters
‘Das Ringen um die Moral des Hinterland. Moral Loyalität und Zensur’, in Helmut Rumpler (ed.), Die Habsburgermonarchie 1848-1918, vol XI: Der Erste Weltkrieg (in press: Vienna, 2016), 50pp.
‘Loyalty and Treason in late Habsburg Croatia: A Violent Discourse before the Great War’, in Martin Schulze-Wessel and Jana Osterkamp (eds), Semantics and Practices of Loyalties (Göttingen, 2016).
‘Traitors and the Meaning of Treason in Austria-Hungary’s Great War’, Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, XXV (2015).



2000-1 Leverhulme Study Abroad Fellowship, based at University of Toronto.
2005-8 Arts and Humanities Council Award (£157K)
2012 Fellowship at Ludwig Maximilian University, Munich
2012-13 British Academy Small Grant Award for work in Zagreb, Croatia
2014 Visiting Fellowship, Institute of History, Budapest
2014 Bohemian Fellowship of Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague
2014 British Academy Small Grant Award for work on South Slav Question (£10K).



• Treason in the late Habsburg Monarchy.
• The European concept of ‘treason’, 1500-1960
• Homosexuality in the Bohemian lands.
• The Great War (chief organizer of programme of events at Southampton for 2014-15): editing book on Sarajevo – Spark and Impact (Bloomsbury Academic Press).


2008-12 Council of Royal Historical Society (elected)
2009- Chair, Forum of British, Czech and Slovak Historians (UK)
2015- Wissenschaftlicher Beirat, Collegium Carolinum





Žarko Lazarević completed his PhD studies at University of Ljubljana in 1992 in the subject of debt-based financing of the modernization of Slovene agriculture from the mid-19th century to WW II. The subjects of his research work later extend from the development in agriculture, the industrialization process, cooperative societies, entrepreneurism, and the role of nationalism in economy, representation and perceptions of national interest, consumerism and advertising to the development of financial sector in Slovenia within the European context in the period of late 19. and 20th Century. He complements his engagement in research with researching the influence of economic processes to social structure and, within this framework, especially on long-term structural changes in the economic-social image of Slovenia within comparative extensions of the 19th and 20th century European economic environment. In last years he started intensive study of school history, textbooks, their structures, perceptions and presentations in correlation with general trends in academic historiography. He also initiated the project SISTORY in 2006, a project that would bring together historiography and modern technologies. Year later the project was joined to European project DARIAH. He intensely collaborated with European Association of Banking and Financial History, South East European Monetary History Network, Southeast European Digital Initiative and International Association of South-East European Studies. Žarko Lazarević is currently affiliated at Institute of Contemporary history/ Inštitut za novejšo zgodovino in Ljubljana as a senior research fellow and at the Department of History, University of Nova Gorica as a professor of economic history.

Leader of the projects and programs:
• 1999 – 2003 Research program Economic and Social History of Slovenia from the middle of Century to 1990
• 2002 – 2004 research project Perceptions of Money in Slovenia in Century
• 2004 – 2008 Research program Images of economic and social modernization of Slovenia in 19. And Century
• 2006 – 2008 SISTORY – History of Slovenia
• 2009 – 2011 DARIAH – Digital research infrastructure for arts and humanities (leader of the Slovenian part of the project)
• 2009 – 2014 Research program Images of economic and social modernization of Slovenia in 19. And Century
• 2011 – 2014 Strategies and praxis of energy supply in Slovenia
• 2007 – 2008 Bilateral project Political, economic and cultural features of pan Slavism in Bohemian Lands and Slovenia – Historical comparative perspective
• 2008 – 2009 Bilateral project Context and relations of Slovene -Serbian economic cooperation
• 2010 -2011 Bilateral project Bohemian and Slovene Society on their Way to Modernism: Economic, Political and Cultural Cooperation between Bohemian Lands/Czechoslovakia and Slovenia/Yugoslavia in the 19th and 20th Centuries
• 2011 – 2012 Bilateral project Southeastern Europe between West and East: Economics, Politics, and Culture in the 19th-21st centuries
• 2014 – 2016 Bilateral project The 20th Century through Historiographies and Textbooks in East Asia (Japan) and Slovenia and Southeast Europe
• 2015 -2020 Research program Economic and Social History of Slovenia.



Selected bibliography (2010 – 2015)

1. Spremembe in zamišljanja :gospodarsko-zgodovinske refleksije, (Zbirka Razpoznavanja, 25). Ljubljana: Inštitutzanovejšozgodovino, 2015. 285 str.
2. Iz malega v veliki svet : pol stoletja koncerna Kolektor (1963-2013). Idrija: Kolektor group, 2012. 318 str.


1. Comparative banking performance in eastern Europe in the interwar period. Études balkaniques, ISSN 0324-1645, 2015, 51, št. 3, str. 150-177.
2. Globálni dilemata na periferii : hospodářská krize třicátých let 20. stoletive Slovinsku. V: KUBŮ, Eduard (ur.), et al. Fenomén hospodářské krize v českých zemích 19. až počátku 21. století : Cyklický vývoj ekonomiky v procesu gradující globalizace. Praha: Nová Tiskárna Pelhřimov; V Ostrave: Ostravska univerzitá, 2015, str. 255-264.
3. Economic transition as continuity (on the transition from feudalism to capitalism in Slovenia). Megatrend revija, ISSN 1820-3159, 2015, 12, št. 2, str. 61-88.
4. Družba in gospodarstvo med obema vojnama : (vprašanja ravni modernizacij). Zgodovinski časopis, ISSN 0350-5774, 2013, letn. 67, št. 1/2, str. 110-134,
5. Raznovrstnost, decentralizacija in ekonomska suverenost v Jugoslaviji. Zgodovinski časopis, ISSN 0350-5774, 2015, letn. 67, št.3/4, str. 426-447.
6. Die Genossenschaftsbewegung und die Restrukturierung der gesellschaftlichen Machtverhältnisse in Slowenien um die Wende des 19. zum 20. Jahrhundert. V: KUBŮ, Eduard (ur.). Agrarismus und Agrareliten in Ostmitteleuropa, (Bod). 1. Aufl. Praha: Dokořán; Berlin: BWV, Berliner Wissenschafts-Verlag, 2013, str. 355-379.
7. The replacement of economic elites in Slovenia after world war II. Jahrbuch für Wirtschaftsgeschichte, ISSN 0075-2800, 2010, št. 2, str. 147-162.



Miha Preinfalk was born 10 June 1974 in Ljubljana, and graduated in History, Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana in 1998. He completed his Master’s degree in History, Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana in 2001, and obtained PhD in History at the same institution in 2004.
He is since 1999 employed at the Milko Kos Historical Institute, since 2009 as senior scientific associate. Since 2006 he is also Assistant Professor of History at the Faculty of Humanities Koper, University of Primorska.



– since 2015 leader of the programme of the Historical Institute titled Temeljne raziskave slovenske kulturne preteklosti [Basic Research of Slovenian Cultural Past];
– 2014–2015 leader of the Slovenian part, Slovenian-Croatian project Croatian-Slovenian Ties in the 19th and the first Half of the 20th Century. The Case of the Pongratz Family.
– 2001–2004 the programme Slovenska zgodovina od antike do 16. stoletja [Slovenian History from Antiquity to the 16th Century];
– since 2004 the programme of the Historical Institute titled Temeljne raziskave slovenske kulturne preteklosti [Basic Research of Slovenian Cultural Past];
– 2001–2004 the project Vzpon in propad srednjeveškega viteštva na Slovenskem [The Rise and Decline of Medieval Chivalry in the Slovenian Territory];
– 2005–2006 the project Življenje in delo pomembnih osebnosti severovzhodne Slovenije [The Life and Work of Prominent Personalities from Northeastern Slovenia];
– 2006–2008 the project Stalnice in prelomi v zgodovini slovenskega prostora [Continuities and Ruptures in the History of the Slovenian Territory] – the project led, among others, to the publication of the first book of charters from the formerly hidden archives of Turjak;
– 2006–2008 the project of the Ministry of Defence Vojaki iz slovenskega prostora na tujih tleh v preteklosti [Soldiers from Slovenian Territory on Foreign Soil in the Past];
– 2007–2009 the project Srednjeveška in novoveška pisna dediščina na Slovenskem – edicije listin [Medieval and Early Modern Written Heritage in Slovenia – Editions of Charters] – the publication of the second book of charters from the formerly hidden archives of Turjak;
– 2011–2014 the project Vodilni humanisti slovenskega prostora med 16. in sredo 19. stoletja ter njihovo socialno in kulturno okolje [The Leading Humanists in the Slovenian Territory between the 16th and mid-19th Centuries and their Social and Cultural Environment];
– 2011–2014 the project Slovenski toponimi v času in prostoru (Historična topografija Slovenije od srednjega veka do 19. stoletja) [Slovenian Place Names in Time and Space (Historical Topography of Slovenia from the Middle Ages to the 19th Century)];
– since 2016 the project Družbena in identitetna mobilnost v slovenskem prostoru med poznim srednjim vekom in razpadom Habsburške monarhije [Social and identity mobility in Slovenian territory between the late middle ages and the disintegration of the Habsburg monarchy].



2007 – Silver Decoration of ZRC SAZU
2010 – Recognition of the Municipality of Ig
2010 – Anton Aškerc Recognition
2014 – Count Emil and Countess Janja Auersperg Historical-Literary Award



M. Preinfalk devotes most of his research to genealogical and heraldic studies of nobility in the territory of the present-day Slovenia and former Austro-Hungarian Monarchy, i.e. a theme which was once neglected or even considered unwelcome. He forges ties with numerous members of former nobility who admit him into their private family archives and thus enable him to conduct research which would otherwise not be possible, given that such archival materials are usually inaccessible to broader public. Within the framework of projects in which he currently participates, M. Preinfalk primarily explores changes in identity that occurred as a result of one’s transition into a different social stratum, particularly their elevation to nobility, and as an aftermath of major watershed events, e.g. the end of the First Word War.




Tenured scientific adviser, associate professor, born in 1968 in Rijeka. He graduated in 1994 at the Medical Faculty of the University of Rijeka with a thesis in the field of the history of medicine. In 1999 he gained the academic title of Master of Science – Biology (biological anthropology), with a thesis on the history of folk medicine. In 2003 he attained the academic title of Doctor of Science in the field of biomedicine and health sciences. His doctoral thesis was about the history of public health. In 1998 he become a research assistant at the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Department of History and Philosophy of Science, Division of the History of Medicine and in 2015 a tenure scientific adviser at the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Department of History and Philosophy of Science, Division of the Philosophy of Science. In 2010 he was elected to a teaching position as Associate Professor at the Centre for Croatian Studies, University of Zagreb. He was also elected a member of the scientific board of the University of Jan Amos Komensky in Prague in 2012.
In 2004 he became project manager of the project “Croatian medical heritage – 13th to 20th century development and achievement determinants” supported by the Ministry of Science, Education and Sports, and from 2007 led the project “Public health and medicine in Croatia: identity and international cooperation in the twentieth century”. From 2010 he was a member of the Croatian Institute of History’s project “Formation of Croatian cultural and social identity 1900-1990” (project manager Suzana Leček, PhD). He was also a contributor to the project “Croatia in socialist Yugoslavia” (project manager Tvrtko Jakovina, PhD). He was an associate of an international project related to the history of public health in interwar period titled “Interwar Health Network”, led by Iris Borowy, PhD from the University of Rostock, and is currently an associate of the Working Group on the History of Race and Eugenics (HRE) at the Oxford Brookes University and consultant to the international interdisciplinary project “The History of Eugenics and East-Central Europe, 1900-1945” led by Prof. Marius Turda, PhD at the Centre for Health, Medicine and Society, also at the Oxford Brookes University. He was awarded several scholarships and spent much time abroad doing professional development and research: Rockefeller Archive Center Grant for Research (2000), Scholarship of the Swiss National Science Foundation – research in the archives of the League of Nations in Geneva (2001), University College of London – Wellcome Institute for the History of Medicine, London (2001), Institut für Geschichte der Medizin and Universitäts Archive, Vienna (2003), Rockefeller Archive Center Grant for Research (2004), University College of London – Wellcome Institute for the History of Medicine, London (2008), etc.
His areas of research include the history of health and medicine, public health and social history, especially in the first half of the 20th century; e.g. issues related to the history of health education and training, history of the public health system, international influences on public health (especially the Rockefeller Foundation and the Health Organization of the League of Nations in the interwar period), the medical history of everyday life, scientification and medicalization of society as well as social problems. He also investigated the professionalization and institutionalization processes in medicine and science as well as the main leaders in this field, such as Dr. Andrija Štampar. He has participated at various domestic and international conferences and published numerous scientific articles and books, including a series of three books about the public health and social history during the interwar period: “Protiv bolesti i neznanja: Rockefellerova fondacija u međuratnoj Jugoslaviji” [Against disease and ignorance: The Rockefeller Foundation in interwar Yugoslavia] (2005), “Kako biti čist i zdrav: Zdravstveno prosvjećivanje u međuratnoj Hrvatskoj” [How to be clean and healthy: Health education in interwar Croatia] (2010), and “O sestrama, siromašnim i bolesnim: Slike socijalne i zdravstvene povijesti međuratnog Zagreba” [On sisters poor and sick: Images of the social and health history of interwar-era Zagreb] (2015).


B. Vranješ-Šoljan was born in Makarska. She graduated in History from the Zagreb Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in 1969. She earned her master’s degree in 1973 and her doctoral degree in 1988. The supervisor of both theses was Professor. Igor Karaman. She was appointed assistant professor in 1993, associate professor in 1998, full professor in 2004, and tenured full professor in 2009.
She taught undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate courses at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb. She taught “The history of Central and Southeastern Europe in the 20th century”, “European and World History 1918 – 1945”, “Croatia and the world – comparative topics”, and elective courses “Historical demography” and “Interpretative models of the demographic transition theory “. She was the coordinator of the compulsory course “Croatian Modern and Contemporary History,” within the PhD program in Croatian Modern and Contemporary History in European and World Context at the Department of History of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences. Within the PhD program in “History of the population” in Dubrovnik she teaches the compulsory course “Modernization factors and initial transition of the population”. At the University of Dubrovnik, within the Study of History of the Adriatic and the Mediterranean, she teaches “The economic history of the Adriatic and the Mediterranean”.
She has been supervisor for dozens of graduate theses, several scientific master’s theses and around twenty doctoral theses.
She has been project leader for several research projects: Croatian Modern and Contemporary History: European Models and Croatian Identities, the scientific project Influence of ideology H(P-R)SS on Croatian nation 1904 – 1941 and the project Croats in neighbouring countries: history, culture, perspectives (Ministry of Science and Technology, Croatia). She participated in the research project Croatia in the era of modernization (project leader: Dragutin Pavličević) and in the project Educational and Cultural Ties between Vienna, Zagreb and Budapest from the late 18th until mid 20thCentury (project leader: Iskra Iveljić).
Božena Vranješ-Šoljan has repeatedly been a visiting researcher abroad. She was a visiting researcher in Paris at the École Pratique des Hautes Études. She conducted research in the National Institute for Demographic Studies (Institut national d’études démographiques) in Paris. As a scholar of the Provincial Government of the Federal State of Burgenland (Gradišće) she repeatedly carried out research in the Republic of Austria, and received the research grant Konstantin Jireček of the Austrian Institute for Eastern and South Eastern Europe in Vienna.
PhD Božena Vranješ-Šoljan, tenured full professor at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb, and retired since 1 October 2015, directed her scientific interest towards researching the history of the 19th and 20th centuries, especially towards historical-demographic development in the Croatian region. She explores demographic development in all its economic, social, cultural and political conditionalities. She investigates the processes and models of demographic transition and urbanization associated with changes in agriculture and the industrialization within the modernization process; social, economic and ethnic structure of the population, the political organization of space, Croatian minorities in other countries, especially the history of Burgenland Croats, a national minority in Croatia, etc. These researches cover the entire Croatian territory, and complex phenomena in this area are explored in the context of the European movements. In her work she pursues and improves methods of contemporary historiography.


Ida Ograjšek Gorenjak is an assistant professor (docent) at History Department of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Zagreb, where she teaches obligatory courses on Modern History and and non-obligatory courses on Gender History for undergraduate and graduate students. Occasionally she also holds lectures and seminars on PhD studies “Modern and Contemporary Croatian History in European and World context” at the same faculty. She was a mentor and co-mentor of several MA theses and she chaired two PhD defenses.
Her research interests and publications focus on gender history, history of education and cultural history. She published original scientific articles in history magazines: (Historijski zbornik, Radovi Zavoda za hrvatsku povijest, Povijest u nastavi) and collections of papers (Women in Croatia. Women and Cultural History, Unknown heroine- new readings of Zagorka and How was it … Zagorka and women’s history, The Entangled Histories of Vienna, Zagreb and Budapest (18th-20th Century).I n her book Dangerous illusions. Gender stereotypes in the Kingdom of Yugoslavia she analyzes the impact of gender stereotypes on political and modernization process and construction of national identities.
She held papers at five scientific conferences [Women and magazines: Research, Representation, Production and Consumption, (London, June, 2012); The forth Congress of Croatian historians: Freedom, (Zagreb, October, 2012); Marija Jurić Zagorka – life, work, legacy / Feminism, history, politics (Zagreb, November 2009.) Marija Jurić Zagorka – life, work, legacy (Zagreb, January, 2007); The second Congress of Croatian historians (Pula, September, 2004)] and one scientific colloquium (Gender stereotypes in literature, Zagreb, May, 2016.).
She participated in three projects: The Effect of Ideologies of Croatian Peasant Party on the Croatian People 1904-1941. (led by Božena Vranješ-Šoljan), The Croatian Modern and Contemporary History: European Models and Croatian Identities (Božena Vranješ-Šoljan) and the project Educational and Cultural Ties between Vienna, Zagreb and Budapest from the late 18th until mid 20thCentury, (led by Iskra Iveljić).
In 2013 she was appointed chief editor of history magazine Povijest u nastavi (History teaching) and so far she has edited six issues of this magazine. Also, she reviewed articles for various magazines, a collection of papers.
She is a member of Society for Croatian history and Association for Women’s history “Clio”.




Branimir Janković graduated History and Croatian language and literature at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb, where he obtained the PhD in 2014 with the dissertation about theoretical and methodological transformations of Croatian historiography in late Yugoslav socialism. From 2009 to 2014 he worked as research and teaching assistant at the Department of History, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Zagreb, where he works as a Post-Doctoral Research and Teaching Fellow since 2015.
His research and teaching interests focus on the history of historiography, Croatian modern and contemporary historiography, and Croatian history in the 19th and 20th century. He holds obligatory and elective courses for undergraduate, graduate and doctoral students at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Zagreb.
He participated in two Croatian scientific projects “Croatian Historiography and History Teaching (19th-21th Century)” (2009–2010), “The Croatia of Modern & Contemporary Times: European Models & Croatian Identities” (2010–2014), and bilateral Croatian-Slovenian project “The Public Use of History in Slovenia and Croatia – History in Slovene and Croatian Public Opinion” (2010–2011). He was a member of the network “Media and Memoria in South-Eastern Europe“, led by the University of Konstanz (2010–2013).
He spent research visits at the University of Ljubljana (in July 2009 and in December 2010) and the University of Regensburg (Südost-Institut, June – September 2010).
Since 2008 he is the secretary of the journal “Historijski zbornik” (Zagreb) and since 2014 the deputy editor of web portal (Croatia). In 2012 he received the annual award of the Society of university teachers, scholars and other scientists – Zagreb for young scientists and artists.




Nikola Tomašegović was born in Zagreb in 1991, where he finished elementary school and high school (I. Gymnasium) with excellent success. During his education he participated in school competitions in history (at the state level) and in philosophy (the county level). After graduating from high school, he began his studies in history and philosophy at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb, which he finished with the grade point average of 4,897. He received the award for academic excellence in the undergraduate program in history. In the academic year of 2012/2013 he began his studies in the one-major graduate history program, in the research track of the Modern and Contemporary History Module, and in the following year he began studies in the two-major graduate program in philosophy – the research track as an additional major. From the academic year 2012/2013 until the academic year of 2015/2016 he worked as a demonstrator at the Chair for History of Philosophy. He was president of the Students of Philosophy Association (USF) in the years of 2013/2014 and a member of the presidency in the year of 2014/2015. He is a member of the editorial board of the students of philosophy journal What for (Čemu) from the year 2014. He participated in the organization of several international students’ symposiums and in editing their proceedings. He was granted the scholarship of the city of Zagreb for the year 2014/2015. In 2015 he was elected member of the Student Council at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences and a representative of students in the faculty council. He published papers and reviews in specialized journals (Historijski zbornik, Povijest u nastavi, Filozofska istraživanja), student journals (Čemu), proceedings from symposiums and participated in several specialized student symposiums.




Principal Investigator

Iskra Iveljić


Iskra Iveljić was born in 1959 in Frankfurt on the Main. She attended the secondary school with a classic programme in Zagreb and studied History and English Language and Literature at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of the University in Zagreb. In 1998 she defended doctoral dissertation The Zagreb Business Elite from 1860 until 1883, at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, and in 1992 master’s thesis Attempts of the Ban’s Council to Modernize Croatia in 1848, at the same Faculty. The mentor of both theses was professor Mirjana Gross.

I. Iveljić holds Full Professor Tenure of Modern and Contemporary Croatian and World History at the Department of History, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Zagreb. Previously she worked from 1987 until 1990 at the Archives of Croatia (nowadays the Croatian State Archives) as a junior archivist, and from 1990 until 1993 as assistant at the Institute of Contemporary History. In 1993 she became assistant at the History Department of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Zagreb, in 2000 assistant professor, in 2004 associate professor, in 2010 full professor and in 2015 full professor tenured. Since 1993 she was supervisor of 41 graduate, 3 postgraduate and 3 doctoral students, and a member of evaluation committee for 12 postgraduate students at Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Zagreb. At the same institution she teaches various obligatory courses on Croatian 19th century history for undergraduate, graduate and doctoral students, as well as a number of elective courses on gender history, nobility and social and cultural history. She also held lectures for postgraduate students of art history and students of education at the Zagreb university, as well for students of the Institute for East and Southeast European Studies in Regensburg (2009) and the students of the Institute for East European History in Vienna (2014).

In 2014 she was the leader of the project of the University of Zagreb, Educational and Cultural Ties between Vienna, Zagreb and Budapest from the Late 18th until the Mid 20th Century. She also participated in several international projects: Kroaten in Wien 1790-1918 (The Croats in Vienna 1790-1918), led by PhD Neven Budak (University of Zagreb) and PhD Harald Heppner (University of Graz); Geschichte Südosteuropas als europäische Geschichte (History of Southeastern Europe as European History) led by PhD Holm Sundhaussen (The Free University of Berlin) and PhD Jürgen Höpken (University of Leipzig), bilateral Croatian-Slovenian projects The Public Use of History in Slovenia and Croatia – History in Slovene and Croatian Public Opinion (PhD Damir Agičić, University of Zagreb and PhD Marta Verginella, University of Ljubljana) and Croatian-Slovenian Ties in the 19th and the first Half of the 20th Century. The Example of the Pongratz Family (PhD Dragan Damjanović, University of Zagreb and PhD Miha Preinfalk of the Historical Institute Milko Kos of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Ljubljana). She was also a keynote speaker at the Zukunftswerkstatt (led by H. Sundhaussen and PhD Ulf Brunnbauer, University of Regensburg), held in the Goethe-Institut in Zagreb in 2008. I. Iveljić held papers at 18 international conferences in Germany, Austria, Slovenia, Italy, Hungary, Romania, Great Britain and USA. She has many contacts with colleagues especially in Slovenia (Ljubljana, Maribor), Austria (Vienna), Germany (Regensburg, Berlin, Leipzig) Hungary (Budapest, Pecs), Bosnia and Herzegowina (Sarajevo), Serbia (Belgrade), Great Britain (Southampton, London) and USA (New York).

The research of I. Iveljić is focused on the various aspects of modernization, on the middle-class elite and on everyday life at the turn of the century. Recently she has studied the aristocracy in northwestern Croatia in 19th and 20th century (a case study of the Rauch family) as well as Croatian students and Croatian elites in Vienna. Both her studies of middle class and the nobility encompass political, economic and cultural aspects, the gender issues and the relationship towards children and teenagers. In a couple of articles she has also critically analysed the Croatian postcommunist history-writing.



About the project

The aim of this fundamental research project is to analyse various segments of Croatian elites during the last phase of the Habsburg Monarchy and to show their multifacetted transition into the new Yugoslav state. The research will encompass the period from the late 19th century until the 1930s, covering thus two generations, the old one that was in its zenith at the turn of the century, and the new one that rose to prominence on the eve of the First World War. Both states, the old and the new one, were multinational monarchies, yet they were totally different in many respects, even in their very character as monarchies, since the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes and later the Kingdom of Yugoslavia, had a sovereign – a king from the Serbian Karađorđević dynasty, but lacked its own nobility. Even though the new Yugoslav state was multinational as well, it differed from the Habsburg Monarchy, since it was a state of South Slavs (except Bulgarians) with other nationalities reduced to ethnic minorities, some of which were for political reasons considered unreliable or even dangerous (e.g. Germans).
The transition from the Habsburg into the Yugoslav state was strenuous for many members of Croatian elites, since it brought about major changes in political, national, social, economic, cultural, educational and military aspect, to name just the most important ones. Moreover, one has to bear in mind that the fall of the Habsburg Monarchy and the founding of a new Yugoslav state occured as a part of the Entente’s victory in the First World War and subsequently of the new European order established at the peace conference in Versailles in 1919. This had impact on political and national situation, since contrary to Croatia and Slovenia, Serbia gained political and national sway as a member of the victorious coalition.
The context of the transition was very complex and demanding, and it took place on several levels, the national, the Yugoslav and the international, encompassing at the same time all major fields of human activity. It also implied a shift from Central European to Southeastern European orientation, yet in many fields Central European influences were still present. Therefore, the project will focus on careful distinguishing of continuities and discontinuities, in an attempt to produce a wide and balanced picture of what happened to Croatian elites in this transition, both in their public and professional as well as everyday life, since cultural norms and values persist even after the radical political change had occurred, and are to a great extent transmitted within families. Were the elites willing to adapt to the new circumstances, or were they inclined to opposition? What were the impacts of transition on their professional and private life? What were their strategies of staying at top? Did they manage to retain their elite status or were they (gradually or suddenly) replaced by newcomers? If so, upon which criteria or more precisely: was the national and political allegiance a decisive criterion? Was there a discrepancy between their individual opinions as expressed in their letters, diaries, autobiographies etc. and their professional status and public appearances? In what ways has the new orientation on southeastern Europe instead of central Europe, influenced their careers and lives? For example, a big shift of academic centres occurred, since a big portion of the Croatian elites had studied in Vienna or Graz, which was after 1918 no more the case. Did all Serbian members of Croatian elites follow Yugoslav suit, or have some of them retained traits and standpoints stemming from the Habsburg period? These are just some of the questions to be answered.
Since the elite i.e. elites is a very vast category, based upon manifold criteria (social, political, national, economic, gender etc.) it would be impossible to cover in detail the transition of all its members. Since general political and national issues have been the subject of a number of works of Croatian, Slovenian, Serbian etc. as well as European historiography, the project will focus primarily on other aspects, namely cultural, educational, economic, social, gender and scientific. Of course this does not mean that the national and political agenda will be left aside. It will be shown on one hand in a meta-analysis based upon literature, on the other hand in case studies dealing with certain elite groups like for example former bureaucrats and officials such as county prefects („veliki župani“).
The project team will research the nobility, the businessmen, intellectual elite (university professors, politicians, doctors of medicine, lawyers) administrative elite and renown women. Apart from individual elite members, various organizations (e.g. Matica hrvatska), institutions (Yugoslav Academy of Sciences and Arts, the Zagreb University, chambers of commerce…), associations (professional, women’s etc.), exibitions and fairs (the Zagreb Fair), celebrations (e.g. the 1000 years of Croatian Kingdom) as well as the press will be researched. Needless to say, comparisons will be drawn, especially with the Slovenian elites. The transition of the Slovenian and Croatian business elite as well as the nobility will be thoroughly compared, with a tendency to further widen the scope of the project by drawing general comparisons with the elites of the other parts of the Habsburg Monarchy, most of all in the Czech lands.
Therefore the project should compare the mechanisms of regrutation of elites in the last phase of the Habsburg state and the first phase of the Yugoslav one, showing (in)congruencies between inherited structures, influences and a way of life with newly established political realities.




Cilj ovog fundamentalnog istraživačkog projekta je analizirati različite segmente hrvatske elite tijekom posljednje faze postojanja Habsburške Monarhije te prikazati njihovu višestranu tranziciju u novu jugoslavensku državu u razdoblju od početka 20. st. do 1930-ih. Projekt će zaokružiti razdoblje od kasnog 19. stoljeća do tridesetih godina dvadesetog stoljeća, obuhvativši tako dvije generacije, staru koja je bila na zenitu na prijelazu stoljeća i novu koja postaje značajna uoči Prvog svjetskog rata. I stara i nova država bile su višenacionalne monarhije, ali su se u mnogim aspektima znatno razlikovale. Kraljevina Srba, Hrvata i Slovenaca imala je monarha – kralja iz dinastije Karađorđević, ali nije imala svoje plemstvo. Iako je nova jugoslavenska država također bila višenacionalna, ona se bitno razlikovala od Habsburške Monarhije jer su njeno većinsko stanovništvo činili južni Slaveni (izuzev Bugara), dok su drugi narodi svedeni na etničke manjine, od kojih su neke smatrane nepouzdanima ili čak opasnima (npr. Nijemci).


Tranzicija iz habsburške u jugoslavensku državu bila je za mnoge pripadnike hrvatskih elita teška jer su njome, između ostalog, uvedene velike promjene u političkom, nacionalnom, društvenom, gospodarskom, kulturnom, obrazovnom i vojnom aspektu. Štoviše, valja imati na umu da su pad Habsburške Monarhije i osnivanje nove jugoslavenske države povezani s pobjedom Antante u Prvom svjetskom ratu i uspostavom novog europskog poretka nakon mirovne konferencije u Versaju 1919. godine. Činjenica da je Srbija, za razliku od Hrvatske i Slovenije, bila na pobjedničkoj strani u ratu odrazila se na političku i nacionalnu situaciju u državi.


Kontekst tranzicije, koja je istovremeno obuhvaćala sva polja ljudske aktivnosti, bio je vrlo složen i zahtjevan, te se odvijao na nekoliko razina – nacionalnoj, jugoslavenskoj i međunarodnoj. Njena posljedica bio je i pomak vanjskopolitičke orijentacije države sa središnje na jugoistočnu Europu, iako su srednjoeuropski utjecaji još uvijek bili prisutni na mnogim poljima. Žarište projekta bit će na pomnom razlikovanju kontinuiteta i diskontinuiteta u svrhu stvaranja široke i uravnotežene slike o hrvatskim elitama tijekom spomenute tranzicije, pri čemu bi bili obuhvaćeni njihov javni i profesionalni kao i svakodnevni život, budući da kulturne norme preživljavaju čak i radikalne političke promjene i u velikoj mjeri se prenose unutar obitelji. Jesu li elite bile spremne prilagoditi se novoj situaciji ili su bile sklonije pružiti otpor? Kako je tranzicija utjecala na njihov profesionalni i privatni život? Koje su bile njihove strategije za očuvanje položaja na društvenom vrhu? Jesu li uspjele zadržati svoj elitni status ili su ih (postupno ili naglo) zamijenili novi ljudi? Ako da, prema kojim kriterijima, odnosno jesu li nacionalna i politička pripadnost bili odlučujući faktori? Postoje li nepodudarnosti između njihovih osobnih stavova iznesenih u pismima, dnevnicima, autobiografijama itd. i njihovog profesionalnog statusa i javnih istupa? Na koji je način nova orijentacija na jugoistočnu Europu umjesto na središnju Europu utjecala na njihove karijere i živote? Na primjer, došlo je do velikog pomaka akademskih centara jer je prije 1918. velik dio hrvatskih elita pohađao studije u Beču ili Grazu, što od tada više nije bio slučaj. Jesu li se svi srpski predstavnici hrvatske elite prilagodili jugoslavenstvu ili su zadržali svojstva i stajališta koja su potjecala iz habsburškog perioda? To su samo neka od pitanja na koje treba dati odgovor.


Kako su elita, odnosno elite, vrlo široka kategorija temeljena na raznovrsnim kriterijima (društvenim, političkim, nacionalnim, gospodarskim, rodnim itd.) nije moguće detaljno istražiti tranziciju svih njenih pripadnika. Budući da su opća politička i nacionalna pitanja već bila predmet istraživanja hrvatske, slovenske, srpske itd. kao i europske historiografije, ovaj će projekt biti prvenstveno usmjeren na druge aspekte – kulturne, obrazovne, gospodarske, društvene, rodne i znanstvene. To, naravno, ne znači da će nacionalna i politička problematika biti zanemarena. Ona će se očitovati kroz metaanalizu utemeljenu na literaturi te kroz studije-slučajeve koji se bave određenim elitnim grupama kao npr. bivšim birokratima i dužnosnicima poput velikih župana.


Projektni će tim istraživati plemstvo, privrednu i intelektualnu elitu (sveučilišne profesore, političare, doktore medicine, odvjetnike), administrativnu elitu i poznate žene. Istraživanje će osim pojedinih pripadnika elite obuhvatiti razne organizacije (npr. Maticu hrvatsku), institucije (Jugoslavenska akademija znanosti i umjetnosti, Sveučilište u Zagrebu, gospodarske komore), udruge (profesionalne, žena itd.), izložbe i sajmove (Zagrebački velesajam), proslave (tisućgodišnjica Hrvatskog Kraljevstva) i tiskovine. Naravno, napravit će se usporedbe s drugim elitama, ponajprije onima iz Slovenije. Posebna pozornost pridat će se usporedbi tranzicije hrvatske i slovenske privredne elite i plemstva, ali će se obzor projekta nastojati proširiti i usporedbama s elitama ostalih dijelova Habsburške Monarhije, poglavito češkim zemljama.


Stoga bi projekt trebao uspoređivati mehanizme regrutacije elita u zadnjoj fazi habsburške i u prvoj fazi jugoslavenske države, ukazujući na (ne)podudarnosti između naslijeđenih struktura, utjecaja i načina života s novom političkom stvarnosti.